Privacy Policy keeps user's privacy in mind. We don't have any advertising or collection of sensitive data by default that gets passed to third parties beyond those we directly use to host the site, namely Microsoft Azure and Interserver. Your data remains your own.

Tracking of Visitors

Currently we do not track anyone without an account in a personally identifiable way, and at this time only staff possesses accounts. When user accounts are implemented in the future, this privacy policy will reflect changes at that time.

Server Logs

We collect server logs, primarily error logs. No IP addresses are tracked, and sensitive data is omitted from error logs.

We currently make use of to track only aggregated data. They don't use cookies or keep track of you across sites.


We have not placed any backdoors into our site or bot and have not received any requests for doing so. We have also never received a National Security Letter, FISA order, or any other classified request for user information.